
From partners and service providers

"SmartSaver is exactly the kind of cross-sectoral collaboration that can make a difference and help Canadians achieve their goal of post-secondary education. Organizations that work with consumers to help them manage personal finances and learn to plan financially can use, and share, FCAC’s resources, such as the Canadian Financial Resources Database. This one-stop hub lists over 1,000 tools, resources and events that help consumers increase their financial literacy. I encourage all stakeholders to continue collaborating to promote the Canada Learning Bond for low- and moderate-income families, and to continue to share successes with the SmartSaver community."
Jane Rooney, Financial Literacy Leader, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), 2014-2019
"As I’m working with Korean families with young children under age 6, I found SMARTsaver info really important to my clients."
Eunju Kim, Multicultural Early Childhood Development(MECD), Family and Community Services, Coquitlam, BC
"The Toronto District School Board launched a board-wide partnership with SmartSAVER, and in my role as a Community Worker for Model Schools I try to bring people’s attention to this incredible program. I first heard about the SmartSAVER program at work. I felt really intimidated about talking about RESPs and the Canada Learning Bond. I didn’t understand that stuff, but over the past four months, I have come to learn a lot. It took a little while before I could get my mind around it, but when I really started to listen I was extremely surprised by the simplicity of the SmartSAVER program. I learned that SmartSAVER does not sell anything and they just want people to know about the free government grant money that is available for post secondary education."
Ian Macpherson, Community Worker for Model Schools, Toronto District School Board
“SmartSAVER brought it to my attention that the Canada Learning Bond really focuses on low income parents, and of the parents in Chilliwack who are eligible, only 27% had applied. The light bulb came on that we’re really missing out on an important poverty reduction strategy.”
Wayne Green, Executive Director, United Way Fraser Valley
"Alan Caslin, The Chair of Niagara Region and Acting Commissioner of Community Services and Adrienne Jugley presented this great, BIG cheque worth almost $10,000 to the United Way Niagara Region earlier this year. This contribution was made possible thanks to the Niagara Region’s efforts to increase local Canada Learning Bond (CLB) take-up. Their hard work combined with the SmartSAVER community incentive for each CLB application through SmartSAVER.org helped the United Way reach their campaign goal."
Judy Sobchak, Community Services Department, Niagara
"From hosting sign-up events, to engaging political leadership to communicate the opportunity, and providing training sessions to government, business and community partners to ensure there was a clear understanding of the CLB sign-up process, partners have worked tirelessly to make Canada Learning Bond information a part of their intake process with families and parents. The introduction of the SmartSAVER portal has been an amazing tool to support sign-up here in Halton. Families know they can go online to begin the process and they have choice when it comes to a banking partner."
Halton Poverty Roundtable
"Every day I am reaching into the community with the support of organizations like SmartSAVER to let people know that the federal government has money set aside for the post-secondary aspirations of children in our communities who are most in need. A typical day involves coming up with fun and creative ways to get the message out. For instance, I recently invited 100 Grade 2 students from a local school to visit our university campus to play with marine touch tanks and watch a science show where they were able to “blow up” a garbage can. The goal of these activities is to excite their imagination about attending university."
VIU Vancouver Island University
"Our local Ontario Works social assistance office has built promotions into their Intake Process and they talk to every family with qualifying children about the benefits of the program. We continue to promote the use of the online SmartSAVER RESP application as an easy and accessible way to sign up."
Municipality of Chatham Kent

From Families

"It's FREE money to the Canadians who need it most. There is no contribution necessary by you, so no excuses."

Aneta and David of Toronto want the best for their four children and that includes planning for their post-secondary education. Darius is seven, Emma is six, Aria is two and newest arrival Cyrus is seven months old.

As a mother, Aneta strives to make decisions today to ensure her children have a bright future. “Every night I go to sleep and worry,” she says. “There is always something I could have done better—given this kid more attention, did they brush their teeth? I don’t intend to give them everything they want but I do intend to give them everything they need.”

Kelsey is an Indigenous mother of two young children who is pursuing her degree while working.

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"I have online banking and saw that the RESP accounts began at zero, but a few weeks later I saw a thousand bucks in the accounts-Santa came early."

Meaghan and David of London, Ontario are balancing jobs and a passion for lifelong learning with raising their children, Daivia, age eight and Deagan, age six. Saving for their children’s education has been a priority, but between household expenses, work and after school programs, initiating a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) seemed out of reach.

“I knew you could open a RESP, but wasn’t sure how to go about it,” says Meaghan. “We spoke to a representative from SmartSAVER who explained that we could register online and receive $500 from the Government of Canada for each child with zero down and zero cost to us.” The online application at SmartSAVER.org took about five minutes per child. The couple’s financial institution soon contacted them and started the RESP.

"I'm just an average person, making an average salary. I want more for my kids. Don't we all?"

There are a few different ways to tell Jennifer’s story. One would be: unmarried and pregnant at 17; in debt to student assistance, from whom she borrowed $42,000; pregnant again at 23, her dream of becoming a police officer sidelined.

But there’s another version, that gets closer to the truth. It goes like this: hard-working and financially literate, Jennifer opened her first bank account at 12; her debt was reduced to $15,000 by scholarships and she’s now paid off $5,000; she’s been working in security for six years, with regular raises and advancements, and she still hopes to become a police officer. And, to give her children a leg up and an incentive she never had, she’s taking advantage of “free money” from the government to invest in their education.